<strong>How to Develop a SaaS Product of Your Own?</strong>

How to Develop a SaaS Product of Your Own?

App Development, Business, Business Ideas, SaaS, Software Development
You've got an idea for a SaaS product, but where do you start? The first step is to determine what your product will be. This might sound like an obvious thing to do, but it's not always easy because there are so many different types of products out there. For example, if you're thinking about building a video editing app then you need to know how it should work before even considering design or development costs. And once you've decided on which features fit best into your idea then comes the challenge of actually building them! Determining your product's features Write down your own product’s features. If you want to test the waters, start with a simple feature like “addresses.” Then, list out all the different things that could be…
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<strong>Best Software development strategies that will help you develop a bug-free Application</strong>

Best Software development strategies that will help you develop a bug-free Application

Software Development
Quality assurance is a process that needs to be followed to develop bug-free software. This process includes various activities like requirements gathering, test planning, test case development, and test execution. If you are a budding software developer, you probably understand the importance of testing before releasing the product. But did you know that there are some very complex processes that you have to go through in order to release bug-free software that will work just beautifully as expected? If you want to cut down on the processes and learn exactly how to release a test-free software application, then this article is for you. What is software development? Software development is the process of creating and maintaining software applications. It involves the creation of new code, as well as the modification…
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A beginner’s guide to getting Started with Node.js and GraphQL

A beginner’s guide to getting Started with Node.js and GraphQL

Software Development, Web Development
What is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language and an alternative for API requests. It uses server-side APIs to assist clients to get appropriate data. GraphQL, on the other hand, is more of syntax for creating queries, modifications, and schema. What is Node.js? Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that may be used to construct the backend and allows JavaScript to execute outside of the browser. It is highly preferred by Node.js development companies to speed up the backend development process using JavaScript and deliver projects on time. GraphQL queries and mutations GraphQL queries enable users to view and manipulate how data is received. Mutations are used to control how data is written on the server. How to define schema? Graphql schema is essential for any GraphqL server. It describes…
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Can You Patent A Mobile App? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Can You Patent A Mobile App? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

App Development, Business, Business Ideas, Software Development
Mobile app development involves several steps. The most crucial and basic one is creating an app concept. If you've got amazing mobile app ideas and would like to secure the app so that it's not taken or copied by other people, you can maybe patent the idea. App Image What are patents for mobile apps? Simply stated, a patent is an act of intellectual property that shields your idea from misuse that is not authorized or consented to It also prohibits other companies or individuals from modifying or selling the idea and also ensures that no one is able can claim that they can make money from your invention. Thus, a mobile app includes a variety of interactive elements that can be patentable. But, you are not able to patent…
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Most favorite Web development tools that can reshape your website

Most favorite Web development tools that can reshape your website

Software Development, Web Development
In this post, we'll discuss some of the most popular web development tools available today. AWS Amplify AWS Amplify is a JavaScript library that enables you to develop Cloud-enabled applications with less effort. It provides a library of integrated cloud services that can be used in your application without any additional setup. The AWS Amplify has made it easy for developers to build modern web apps and APIs using Node.js, Java, or Python languages. The platform allows developers to create amazing user experiences by using pre-built features to create fully functional applications in minutes rather than months or years! Tailwind CSS An efficient CSS framework for creating unique user interfaces is called Tailwind CSS. Tailwind is a suite of tools that can be used to create a website or web…
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Uninstalling Google Partner Setup Android App!

Uninstalling Google Partner Setup Android App!

Education, General, Software Development
What is Google Partner Setup?  It helps you to operate multiple Google Applications. This is an android mobile app that is useful in multi-dimensions. For instance, if your content is in the text form then it contributes to you as an assistant to get the grammar and spelling mistakes correct. Google Partner Setup is a medium for writing assistance. It belongs to specific software that cannot be downloaded. It is already installed on Android. The setup works behind in the android setting, normally you need not make anything with the setup. It is not our focus topic, you can visit for the details of the Google partner setup App and its functionality Google Partner App? This is an Android app that makes multiple apps compatible with each other. It turns apps into…
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Five amazing Apps for small businesses to run their functions smoothly

Five amazing Apps for small businesses to run their functions smoothly

blogging, Entrepreneur, General, Software Development
Are you running a small business? With so many things to manage, it can be difficult to keep your head above the water. That's where these five apps come in. The best thing about these tools is that they don't require any special skills or knowledge—just enough time to learn how to use them effectively. Xero Xero is a cloud accounting software that helps you manage your business finances. It’s a great tool for small businesses who are looking to run their functions smoothly, including invoicing and tracking expenses. Xero’s features include: A free trial version so you can try it out before purchasing the full version (no credit card required).Choose from different languages – including English, French, and Spanish – as well as American Sign Language (ASL) for users…
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Explain Template VS Template URL in Angular

Explain Template VS Template URL in Angular

Education, General, Software Development
The @Component is a Decorator is which accepts an object and this object includes properties. The two important properties are Template and TemplateURL. In fact, these are among the most essential features of Angular 9. What is a Template? A template is an HTML piece that tells Angular a way to render the component in an angular application. A template is a part of a component that is used to render the user interface on a web page.  The template is a part of a component that’s used for the user interface by which the end-user can interact easily. By using a template in angular you will be able to specify inline HTML for a component. If you use a template, you don’t need to give an external path of HTML file. We can…
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Angular ng-template, ng-container and ngTemplateOutlet

Angular ng-template, ng-container and ngTemplateOutlet

Education, General, Software Development
The ng-template Directive Like the name specify, the ng-template directive describes an Angular template. This means that the content of this tag will carry part of a template, that can then be controlled together with other templates to form the final component template.The Angular framework is already using ng-template under the hood in many of the structural directives that we use many times in angular project:  ngIf, ngFor and ngSwitch. Now, we started learning ng-template with an example. And here we are defining two tab buttons login and signup: @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: ` <ng-template> <button class="tab-button" (click)="login()">{{loginMsg}}</button> <button class="tab-button" (click)="signUp()">{{signUpMsg}}</button> </ng-template> `}) export class AppComponent { loginMsg = 'Login Page'; signUpMsg = 'Sign Up Page'; lesson = ['Lesson 1', 'Lessons 2']; login() { console.log('Login Page'); } signUp() { console.log('Sign Up Page'); }…
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C# version 11: a complete guide

C# version 11: a complete guide

Education, Software Development
C# is one of the recommended platforms for programmers to create powerful and secure programs that run on the .NET framework. Having its roots in the C family, this C# language has introduced some excellent features in every release and assisted developers in meeting various needs while bespoke software development. C# 11 is the latest version of C# which is in development mode. We have seen the solid design principles of C# versions so far. Now, the C# 11 would be released with some advanced features that will do the developer’s task much easy. Here are some features that are expected to come with the new version of C#. C# 11 new features Generic attributesList patternsNewlines in string interpolation expressionStatic abstract members in interfacesImproved method group conversion to delegateRaw string…
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Authorization Filter in ASP.NET MVC

Authorization Filter in ASP.NET MVC

Education, General, Software Development, Tech
Authorization Filter in ASP.NET MVC What is MVC Authorization Filter? ASP.NET MVC Filter is a custom class where you can write custom logic to perform before or after the execution of an action method. Filters can be applied to an action method or controller declaratively or programmatically. Declaratory means of applying a filter attribute to an action method or control class and programmatic means by implementing a corresponding interface. Why should we use authorization filter in MVC? By default, in the ASP.NET MVC application, all modes of action of all controllers are accessible by authenticated and anonymous users. But if you want the action methods to be available only to authenticated and allowed users, then you have to use the authorization filter in MVC. The authorization filter provides two built-in…
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A detailed comparison between Blazor and Angular

A detailed comparison between Blazor and Angular

Education, General, Software Development, Tech
Introduction Until recently, if a C# developer wanted to build code for browsers, he or she had to depend on JavaScript, the most widely used programming language today. However, the web development industry is rapidly changing, and developers no longer need to rely on JavaScript to create high-end online apps. Blazor is making it possible to run .NET in the browser without the use of add-ons and plugins, with the help of a technique called WebAssembly. This blog will examine the current state of Blazor, its features, and vigilance for production use, before comparing it to one of the most popular frameworks, Angular. What is Blazor? Blazor is a new Microsoft web framework that allows programmers to write browser code in C#. Blazor is based on well-known web technologies like…
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A website became mandatory for a business as it implies great benefits.

A website became mandatory for a business as it implies great benefits.

Business, Digital Marketing, Education, Marketing, Software Development, Web Development
Small businesses that have successfully branded themselves online, such as women's clothing retailer ModCloth and home improvement shop Lowe's, have found that a website is a great way to attract customers. Large businesses like General Electric and Procter & Gamble have also seen the benefits of having an online presence—for these companies, websites are not just beneficial, but necessary. Even if your company doesn't offer products or services directly through its website—for instance, if you are a restaurant—you can still use your site to earn revenue by including advertisements or affiliate links. This can be done in a way that is non-intrusive and aesthetically pleasing to your visitors. On the flip side, a business without an appealing or functional website risks losing out on potential customers. Bricks-and-mortar stores with no…
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Top 8 Reasons Why a Business Needs to Develop a Mobile App in 2021

Top 8 Reasons Why a Business Needs to Develop a Mobile App in 2021

Business, Education, Software Development
In today’s world of technology, digital media play a pivotal role in our lives. Many businesses still believe that having a Facebook page, website, or any social account is enough to get in touch with potential customers. But, this isn’t true. A business should have to consider the modest ways of creating brand awareness, building brand reputation, and increasing brand visibility. For this reason, a mobile business application has become the most essential marketing tool for all sizes of businesses. Whether it is the health care center, bank payment, taxi booking, or food delivery, everything can perform through a mobile app. If you want to establish a valuable image among the clutters, then you will have to create a mobile application for your brand. In this regard, you will have…
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Using a VPN: what for? Download, Stream, and Be Anonymous…

Using a VPN: what for? Download, Stream, and Be Anonymous…

Cyber Security, VPN
But why use a VPN? If you are asking yourself this question, then you have come to the right place. Indeed, we will explain to you the different cases in which you will have to use a VPN. You will see that there are many reasons why it is more than worthwhile to use a VPN. Whether it is to download, to stream, to be anonymous, to browse anonymously, to bypass censorship or geo-restriction or to benefit from better prices on the internet, the VPN is there for you! VPN to download Let's start this article on why to use a VPN with one of its main uses: downloading. And yes, we are not going to lie to each other, if the Virtual Private Network are so successful in France, it is above all because…
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In which countries are VPNs legal or illegal?

In which countries are VPNs legal or illegal?

With the many restrictions linked to geolocation that some countries adopt, Internet users often wonder how to get around them. Using a VPN is the safest way these days. We note that the number of users who subscribe to the offers of historical suppliers has been increasing for some time. Do you travel often? It is good to know the list of countries where VPN is legal or illegal. Focus! Short history lesson Before we give you the list of countries in which VPNs are legal or illegal, let's focus on its origin. The Virtual Private Network would not have existed if the Internet had not been invented. Revolutionary technology Research projects in the field of computer communication were first initiated in the 1940s. This is how the ancestor of the Internet was born 20 years later, called ARPANET. The Internet…
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Ensure Better Quoting Process With Blinds Quotation Software.

Ensure Better Quoting Process With Blinds Quotation Software.

Software Development, Tech
Generating quotes for customers is one of the important aspects of business and needs to be done with better accuracy. Keeping the importance of Quoting process in mind, many business organizations of blinds, shades, and shutters industry use Blinds Quotation Software. The best Blinds Quotation Software helps companies to create quotes faster with much accuracy and a lot more. Since every business knows the importance of time, many business organizations have started using the software to create quotes quickly and save their important time. With this, let’s see what Quotation Software brings for business organizations and how it helps them with the quote-generating process: Better Accuracy: The prime advantage of using the Quotation Software is that it brings better accuracy to your quote-generating process. When using the software, you are less likely to…
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How explainable artificial intelligence can help humans innovate

How explainable artificial intelligence can help humans innovate

Software Development
Artificial intelligence is a star grouping of various advances cooperating to empower machines to detect, grasp, act, and learn with human-like degrees of intelligence. Possibly that is the reason it appears to be like everybody's meaning of artificial intelligence is extraordinary: AI isn't only a certain something. Innovations like AI and common language handling are all essential for the AI scene. Everyone is advancing along its way and, when applied in blend with information, investigation, and robotization, can help organizations accomplish their objectives, be it improving client support or upgrading the inventory network. Here are some Ways by which artificial intelligence helps humans Incomparable Efficiency: Machines that are coordinated with AI are exceptionally effective. The confirmation of blunder free profitability is 99.9% on account of AI frameworks because, in contrast…
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Top 10 Penetration Testing Companies in the UK and US

Top 10 Penetration Testing Companies in the UK and US

Cyber Security
Penetration testing is testing or a method to fight against ethical hacking issues or the environment. The scope of the penetration test is established and a penetrating testing firm will attempt to break into the network of a business to discover and exploit the network vulnerabilities of the organization. One of the greatest challenges in the world is cybercrime. There was a 100 percent spike in web app breaches, according to Verizon's Business 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, and compromised passwords were used in over 80 percent of these cases. The risk for corporations is illustrated by these statistics. The risk should enable businesses to perform periodic checks to find weak points in their network and software, revealing safety loopholes. One way to do this is to help safeguard critical…
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How to watch TVE live from abroad in 2020?

How to watch TVE live from abroad in 2020?

Watching TVE from abroad is a typical concern when we should go outside of Spain. Whether we travel for work or vacation, leaving the territory means not being able to watch TVE abroad and running out of our favorite programs and channels for a season, right? Well, not really! Fortunately, there are solutions that will give you direct access to TVE from abroad. In this article I will explain how you can access TVE live from abroad no matter where you are. Traveling outside of Spain does not have to prevent you from enjoying the best of Spanish television. Geographical availability to watch TVE from abroad Watching TVE from abroad may seem impossible because there are strong geo-restrictions for Spanish TV. Within Spain, we have access to all our programming, but the transmission rights prevent us…
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