Explain Template VS Template URL in Angular

Explain Template VS Template URL in Angular

Education, General, Software Development
The @Component is a Decorator is which accepts an object and this object includes properties. The two important properties are Template and TemplateURL. In fact, these are among the most essential features of Angular 9. What is a Template? A template is an HTML piece that tells Angular a way to render the component in an angular application. A template is a part of a component that is used to render the user interface on a web page.  The template is a part of a component that’s used for the user interface by which the end-user can interact easily. By using a template in angular you will be able to specify inline HTML for a component. If you use a template, you don’t need to give an external path of HTML file. We can…
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Angular ng-template, ng-container and ngTemplateOutlet

Angular ng-template, ng-container and ngTemplateOutlet

Education, General, Software Development
The ng-template Directive Like the name specify, the ng-template directive describes an Angular template. This means that the content of this tag will carry part of a template, that can then be controlled together with other templates to form the final component template.The Angular framework is already using ng-template under the hood in many of the structural directives that we use many times in angular project:  ngIf, ngFor and ngSwitch. Now, we started learning ng-template with an example. And here we are defining two tab buttons login and signup: @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: ` <ng-template> <button class="tab-button" (click)="login()">{{loginMsg}}</button> <button class="tab-button" (click)="signUp()">{{signUpMsg}}</button> </ng-template> `}) export class AppComponent { loginMsg = 'Login Page'; signUpMsg = 'Sign Up Page'; lesson = ['Lesson 1', 'Lessons 2']; login() { console.log('Login Page'); } signUp() { console.log('Sign Up Page'); }…
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C# version 11: a complete guide

C# version 11: a complete guide

Education, Software Development
C# is one of the recommended platforms for programmers to create powerful and secure programs that run on the .NET framework. Having its roots in the C family, this C# language has introduced some excellent features in every release and assisted developers in meeting various needs while bespoke software development. C# 11 is the latest version of C# which is in development mode. We have seen the solid design principles of C# versions so far. Now, the C# 11 would be released with some advanced features that will do the developer’s task much easy. Here are some features that are expected to come with the new version of C#. C# 11 new features Generic attributesList patternsNewlines in string interpolation expressionStatic abstract members in interfacesImproved method group conversion to delegateRaw string…
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Authorization Filter in ASP.NET MVC

Authorization Filter in ASP.NET MVC

Education, General, Software Development, Tech
Authorization Filter in ASP.NET MVC What is MVC Authorization Filter? ASP.NET MVC Filter is a custom class where you can write custom logic to perform before or after the execution of an action method. Filters can be applied to an action method or controller declaratively or programmatically. Declaratory means of applying a filter attribute to an action method or control class and programmatic means by implementing a corresponding interface. Why should we use authorization filter in MVC? By default, in the ASP.NET MVC application, all modes of action of all controllers are accessible by authenticated and anonymous users. But if you want the action methods to be available only to authenticated and allowed users, then you have to use the authorization filter in MVC. The authorization filter provides two built-in…
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A detailed comparison between Blazor and Angular

A detailed comparison between Blazor and Angular

Education, General, Software Development, Tech
Introduction Until recently, if a C# developer wanted to build code for browsers, he or she had to depend on JavaScript, the most widely used programming language today. However, the web development industry is rapidly changing, and developers no longer need to rely on JavaScript to create high-end online apps. Blazor is making it possible to run .NET in the browser without the use of add-ons and plugins, with the help of a technique called WebAssembly. This blog will examine the current state of Blazor, its features, and vigilance for production use, before comparing it to one of the most popular frameworks, Angular. What is Blazor? Blazor is a new Microsoft web framework that allows programmers to write browser code in C#. Blazor is based on well-known web technologies like…
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Backlinks assume an exceptional part in SERP positioning: The possible pilot to engage the new clients.

Backlinks assume an exceptional part in SERP positioning: The possible pilot to engage the new clients.

Backlinks, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, SEO
Backlinks stay endure the main positioning signs for search indexing. That is the reason it's essential to get backlinks for your site. Backlinks are hyperlinks from other websites that point directly to your website, usually in the form of “http://yourwebsite.com” and not a link to another site from your home page or some other page on your site. Backlinks are a sign that third parties think positively about your website and find it useful or interesting enough to link to it. Having more backlinks means that more people find value in your content and as such, they want others to know about you. This makes getting backlinks essential if you want more traffic to come to see what you have on offer with their search engine results pages (SERPs). Find…
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How can you win the game of throne of content marketing?

How can you win the game of throne of content marketing?

Backlinks, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, Marketing, SEO
Content marketing is an incredible method for showcasing your products or services. Dissimilar to different types of marketing strategies, content marketing is a drawn-out methodology. Content marketing is a great way to build trust with your customers and create a deeper relationship with them. Content marketing may help you to stand out as an industry leader and help you to reach the top position. Get the right people on your team inline image You need to have the right people on your team, which means you’ll need a project manager, a copywriter, a designer, and a developer. These people must be able to work together efficiently and effectively. You need someone who can take the lead and pull everyone together under one clear strategy. You also must have a shared…
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A website became mandatory for a business as it implies great benefits.

A website became mandatory for a business as it implies great benefits.

Business, Digital Marketing, Education, Marketing, Software Development, Web Development
Small businesses that have successfully branded themselves online, such as women's clothing retailer ModCloth and home improvement shop Lowe's, have found that a website is a great way to attract customers. Large businesses like General Electric and Procter & Gamble have also seen the benefits of having an online presence—for these companies, websites are not just beneficial, but necessary. Even if your company doesn't offer products or services directly through its website—for instance, if you are a restaurant—you can still use your site to earn revenue by including advertisements or affiliate links. This can be done in a way that is non-intrusive and aesthetically pleasing to your visitors. On the flip side, a business without an appealing or functional website risks losing out on potential customers. Bricks-and-mortar stores with no…
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Copywriting is the art of words, here is everything that can make you a freelance copywriter.

Copywriting is the art of words, here is everything that can make you a freelance copywriter.

Content Marketing, Copywriting, Digital Marketing
The articulation or utilization of human inventive expertise and creative mind, ordinarily in a visual structure, for example, painting or figure, delivers attempts to be valued principally for their excellence or passionate power. According to the definition of art,  copywriting is best fit in the frame of art as a creative art. A copywriter is an artist, he paints his canvas with words and draws the image of his expression. The idea is oxygen for a copywriter What makes a good copywriter? In short, the answer is, “a lot of things.” But we can focus our attention on one thing that should be at the top of your list: reasoning. Put simply, the reasoning is the ability to think logically, and it's essential to good writing in many ways. First…
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Future of SEO With Respect to Business Growth.

Future of SEO With Respect to Business Growth.

Backlinks, Business, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, SEO
SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is a marketing mantra that does not allow anyone to stand against its siege when it is at its peak. Haven't you heard of this mantra, if you haven't heard then you are thousands of miles away from technology. One thing is said in our Urdu literature, one's childhood is a reflection of its youth and old age. Here we can take the example of any technology that started fifty or sixty years ago, what is the state of its young age today. Now with this recipe, one can guess what the future of SEO will be if he is gleaming so splendidly in his childhood. The idea came to my mind after looking at the polls that I have seen over the past few months in…
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8 HR Trends That Will Influence Your Business in 2021

8 HR Trends That Will Influence Your Business in 2021

Business, Education, General, Tech
Human Resource is a design-based field that is focused on people. But does that mean we should ignore technology? The contrary is true. Does that mean we'll use robots for hiring people? That is highly likely. It's already possible to employ robots for recruitment. This is because technology is increasingly important in the process of recruiting and retaining talent. Only a few of the many tech innovations HR has today include AI and automation. #1: Remote Teams It is one of the most prominent trends in recent years and has significantly impacted many other trends. According to an International Working Group study, remote work isn't an exception and is fast becoming the norm across all countries and industries. For example, some companies, like Buffer, rely entirely on distributed teams by…
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What is the Role of Social Media in SEO and how it’s helping to improve your online presence?

What is the Role of Social Media in SEO and how it’s helping to improve your online presence?

Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing, SEO, Social Media
In today's modern age, social media has been recognized as a powerful tool. Social media marketing has become a regular subject and is also recognized as a profession. Let's play a game. Open any web page opening app like Chrome. Type https://google.com/ in the address box, a popular search engine will open in front of you, type anything in its search box. I have written “I want to buy a smartphone” When I wrote this, the results that came in front of me can be seen in this picture. The process of getting to the front page is called search engine optimization. What SEO is and its results, already showed you up. How does it work? SEO professional plays creatively with keywords also use some creative marketing methods and technical…
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Constitutional Hoax that is helpful for better Inbound Marketing.

Constitutional Hoax that is helpful for better Inbound Marketing.

Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing
It is observed in recent years, Digital Marketing is replacing traditional marketing as it is a targeted marketing strategy. Digital Marketing targets specific customers who are looking for any specific product or service. Inbound Marketing is a technique of digital marketing, a methodology that is exercised to target users in a non-intrusive way of marketing, applying the right content at the right time. It is a known truth that marketing strategy should be assessed thoroughly from time to time. Such studies will help to improve the presentation of a business to its customer and gain the confidence of new customers and retain the confidence of existing customers. I will explain the ways to boost your inbound marketing performance in this article. Inbound Marketing depends on drawing in the possibility to…
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What will be the effect on SEO after the core update June 2021 of Google?

What will be the effect on SEO after the core update June 2021 of Google?

Business, Digital Marketing, Education, Marketing, SEO
The core update is an important trade-off that Google makes about its situational assessment that affects countless pages recorded on the webpage. They appeared roughly all for more than a month in the light of everything. There are plans to update the detection to counteract the high quality and relevance of Google queries by improving the results of the pages stored on the website. Each core update changes the technique Google uses to order sites. Locales that position high for their objective catchphrase may likewise rank low after a top-notch update. Alternately, sites that position low for their objective catchphrases may likewise rank very after arrangement. Minor Updates and Core Updates In addition to the core updates, Google made minor updates to its rating algorithm. Minor updates additionally encompass adjustments…
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Key strategies of SEO for a WordPress website

Key strategies of SEO for a WordPress website

Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing, SEO
Everything in SEO goes around keywords. For this reason, keyword research is typically the initial step of any legit SEO strategy. You can simply find keywords that help you to mark your objective and looks for utilizing Google Suggest. Start typing a keyword into Google’s search bar and it will run down a list of suggested keywords. These normally make excellent keywords for SEO because they come directly from Google. So, you realize that people are looking for them. Remember, longer keywords are known as “Long Tail Keywords” tend to be much less modest than “Short or single keyword” terms. So even though long tails keywords have fairly low search extent levels, you can usually rank for them quicker. I suggest typing some specific keywords into Google till you have…
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What is the magic role of backlinks in the game of SEO?

What is the magic role of backlinks in the game of SEO?

Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing, SEO
SEO is a game of patience, It is not a game of seconds, minutes, or even hours, it may take months to change the status of a website. multiple factors are involved in the game of SEO, backlinks are the vital player in the game of SEO. Search Engine algorithms are designed sophisticatedly to rank web pages. As I said above, backlinks play a vital role in the game of SEO, as your website earns backlinks, your site's ranking will rise to the top of Internet searches. Here one should keep this in mind that not all kind of backlinks is useful, backlinks must be quality backlinks and must be related to the niche of the website/web page. Search Engine algorithms sophisticatedly crawl over backlinks, visits different websites during this…
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What are Those Benefits That an SEO Expert can Offer You?

What are Those Benefits That an SEO Expert can Offer You?

Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing, SEO
Everyone has a craze to reach top positions. If you are in any online business or you also have a craze to reach a top position in internet searches, it means you are really in need of an SEO expert who will help to reach the top in internet searches. Search Engine Optimization experts apply unique strategies and techniques that help search engine algorithms and allow a website to perform better than others. SEO is a process that helps a website to achieve a higher ranking in internet searches. SEO experts analyze and build relevant backlinks, create quality content for your website or blog, play with keywords, and many more to reach the top and remain at that position.  There multiple factors that involve in SEO, only an expert can…
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Affiliate Marketing, Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing
Email Marketing is a form of direct marketing that you can use to build a stronger relationship with your customers, acquire new customers, build your awareness, and of course increase your sales. You can also use it to support your other marketing initiatives. This is a channel where you are marketing directly to an individual subscriber. You may have hundreds or thousands of people in your list, you may even have million people in your list but when that individual subscriber receives that email you should have your email developed in such a way that you will be talking to that particular person and not to the other thousands or millions of people on your list. The key to success in Email Marketing is to keep in mind that it…
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Does a Business can Run Without Marketing or Marketing is the Essential Element of the Business Growth?

Does a Business can Run Without Marketing or Marketing is the Essential Element of the Business Growth?

Affiliate Marketing, Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing, SEO
We are in the modern age of the world, today everyone wants to run his business successfully. key of success for any business is marketing. The importance of marketing is an admitted reality for the success of any business. In layman's language, we can say, a beautiful house was constructed in a jungle, owner of the house was expecting guests without passing the information of the address of the house. Could anyone answer this question that the owner of the house is right or wrong? The answer to the question is No. Because no one can approach the house until he does not have the proper address of the house. Providing address to the expected guests are called promotion and in the term of business, it called marketing. Marketing is…
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Top 8 Reasons Why a Business Needs to Develop a Mobile App in 2021

Top 8 Reasons Why a Business Needs to Develop a Mobile App in 2021

Business, Education, Software Development
In today’s world of technology, digital media play a pivotal role in our lives. Many businesses still believe that having a Facebook page, website, or any social account is enough to get in touch with potential customers. But, this isn’t true. A business should have to consider the modest ways of creating brand awareness, building brand reputation, and increasing brand visibility. For this reason, a mobile business application has become the most essential marketing tool for all sizes of businesses. Whether it is the health care center, bank payment, taxi booking, or food delivery, everything can perform through a mobile app. If you want to establish a valuable image among the clutters, then you will have to create a mobile application for your brand. In this regard, you will have…
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