If you want to be a software developer, the first step is deciding what you want to do with your life. There are many options for beginning a tech career: from working at an agency to starting your own business, there are plenty of paths that can lead to success as a developer. But how do you start? That depends on your interests, but here’s how I got started:
Decide on your passion
Before you even think about starting a career as a software developer, you should know what kind of work you want to do. You need to choose something that fits your personality and interests. If it’s not something that makes you happy and excited, then it’ll be hard for anyone else in the world (including yourself) to be happy with this choice either.
Here are some questions that may help:
- What are my strengths? Where do I shine? What am I good at?
- What skills/knowledge do I need for this job or project? How long will it take me before I feel confident enough to start doing tasks on my own without supervision (or with only minimal supervision)? Is there anything unique about this project such as trends or technologies that might make me stand out among other engineers who are applying their skill sets towards solving similar problems without much thought given to how each piece fits together into one cohesive whole solution?”
Get a job that matches your interests
The first step is to find a job that matches your interests. If you’re interested in a particular technology, find a company that uses that technology and applies it to work there. If you are interested in an industry, look for employers who work within it, or if this isn’t possible due to geography (like being on the other side of the country), then find one that has similar positions available.
Once you’ve found an employer who matches up with what you’re looking for, make sure they’re hiring! Check their website regularly so as not to miss out on any opportunities from them–and be prepared at all times if one comes along!
Build your network
Now that you’re in the thick of things and developing your skills, it’s time to start building a network. Networking is more than just going to meetups and conferences; it’s about getting out there and making connections with people who can help advance your career.
Here are some ways to build a network:
- Get involved in local groups such as tech companies or user groups (if applicable). If there isn’t one near you, start one!
- Join online communities like Stack Overflow or GitHub where others have similar goals as yours but don’t know each other yet.
- Try attending events like local meetups or conferences where developers gather together so they can share knowledge and ideas freely without being salespeople trying hard to sell their product(s).

Get Certified
Certifications are a way to prove your skills and knowledge. They can help you get a job, move up in your company, or even move to another company. This is because employers will always want someone who has more experience than just their certification. Certifications are not the only way to show off what you know though; many other ways will help you prove yourself as an experienced developer.
For example: if an employer wants someone with experience developing mobile apps then they may ask for an app developed by themself (or maybe even a friend). Or perhaps they want someone who knows all about web development? In that case, they might hire someone who was part of creating websites such as WordPress or Squarespace but also has some knowledge of how these sites work under the hood so they can make changes without having access to too much code

Build your portfolio and connections
The first step in your career is to build your portfolio. A good portfolio can be the difference between landing a job and being passed over by recruiters. It shows how much you know about software development, how many projects you’ve worked on, and what kinds of technologies you have experience with.
Your first step should be to create a website where you showcase all of this information. The best way to do this is through HTML5 or CSS3 templates that are easy for potential employers to view on their websites (or even mobile devices). This will help establish credibility before anyone else has even heard of your name! You’ll also want some internal links so people can easily find out more about who they’re hiring–and why they should hire them too!
Once everything looks good, then start posting articles online every week related to technical topics such as:
- How-to guides for using new technologies like “A beginner’s guide to getting started with NodeJS” or “Where Do You Begin With Front End VS Back End Development?” – written from scratch instead of copied from someone else’s blog post; – written specifically for readers who aren’t familiar with those specific tools yet but would still benefit from learning more about them through reading someone else’s work instead; – written specifically around solving problems specific field needs right now rather than focusing solely on the theory behind each topic (which may not always apply perfectly).”
Find a company that matches your skills and interests
The first step in starting your career is finding a company that matches your skills and interests. You’ll want to make sure that the company is a good fit for both of these factors, as well as its culture and work environment. It’s easy to get caught up in all the excitement of starting something new, but it’s also important not to rush into decisions about where or how much you’ll spend time working after college graduation.
For this process to be successful, you must find a place where:
- Your personality fits well within its culture (and vice versa)
- You have opportunities that will allow growth throughout employment
Learn more about the industry, technology, and trends in the market.
To become a successful software developer, you need to know the industry and trends in your field. You can learn about this by reading articles on tech blogs, following Twitter accounts related to the technology or industry that interests you, and listening to podcasts on those topics.
You should also follow companies that are hiring developers who have skills similar to yours so that they can see your work before hiring you as an employee or contractor (if they do).
Start early and be prepared for the entrepreneurial life.
As you can see, there are many ways to get into the industry. One thing is for sure: if you want to be a software developer and make your mark in this space, it will require hard work. But after all, is said and done, it’s worth it!
If starting early isn’t possible or affordable for you at this point (or if you’re just looking for some inspiration), then I’ve got some tips on how I got myself into the industry as well as what I learned along the way:
So there you have it! A roadmap of what to do if you want to start a career as a software developer. These steps are designed with the beginner in mind, so they should be easy enough for anyone who’s considering a career in this field. The biggest takeaway from all this is that starting early and being prepared for the entrepreneurial life will pay off in the long run. So get started today!
I am a Tech geek and blogger, a seasoned freelancer, and my hobby is to enlighten my views and skills that will helpful for new inductions of the industry.