It’s hard to rank on the first page of Google, but it’s even harder if you’re not using some of these strategies. They’re simple and proven to work, so don’t be afraid to try them out!
Write a great introduction.
The introduction to the piece of writing (Article or copy) is the most important part of the whole thing. It’s what will grab people’s attention and make them want to read more. A bad introduction will turn readers off, while a great one can make them stay for hours.
So what makes an excellent introduction? A good one should be short (about 150 words), engaging and interesting in tone, written in a conversational tone that makes you sound like you’re talking directly with your reader, and written so that readers will want to read more after reading only part of it!
Avoid keyword stuffing.
Keyword stuffing is when you use a specific word too often in your content. This can be bad for SEO, users, and Google. It’s also not good for you: keyword stuffing will get your site penalized by search engines like Google and Bing.
Write a great meta description.
The meta description is the text that appears below your title in search results, and it should be between 150 and 160 characters long. This is an important part of SEO because it helps people determine whether or not they want to click on your page. PubMed published research showing that longer meta descriptions are more likely to result in clicks.
The best way to write a good meta description is by doing some research about what other sites are doing for their page titles before you start writing yours. If you see something similar looking like this: “This blog has been created by [your name] so that others can learn from my experiences,” then try changing those words into something more relevant: “This blog has been created by [your name] so that others can learn how I lost 100 pounds using low carb dieting techniques.” You can also add some value-add information such as how many people have read this post since its creation date or how often we post new content here at [your website].
Make sure your title should be clear and simple.
The first thing you should do is make sure the title tag is simple and clear. It’s the title that will be shown in search results, so it needs to be easy to read and keyword-focused. A good piece of advice comes from Google: “Make sure your titles are unique.”
Here are some more tips for making sure yours stands out:
- Keep it short—no more than two words! Longer titles can confuse as well as slow down your site’s loading speed.
- Make sure they’re relevant—you should have an idea of what keywords people might use when searching for something similar on Google or Bing (or whatever search engine you use). You can also create a list of potential keywords before writing anything else by using Keyword tools which explain how different types of content rank on Google depending on their popularity among users looking for them online at any given moment during peak hours (like weekday mornings).
Make sure it reads as something human-made.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to writing on the internet is that you should make sure your content reads as something human-made. This means using a human voice, avoiding jargon and big words, and making sure your sentences are concise.
Another thing that can help you stand out from other websites is using lowercase letters for words like “the”, “a”, or “an”. This helps make your text easier in the eyes of search engines because they won’t have as many problems finding what they’re looking for among all those uppercase letters!
You can improve your ranking on internet searches by writing good content and using a couple of extra strategies.
- Write a great introduction.
- Avoid keyword stuffing.
- Write a great meta description.
- Make sure your title is simple and clear, but also makes sense when read out loud as well as on paper (not just one of these). This will ensure that it’s easy for Google to understand it, which helps with ranking in search results!
I hope we’ve helped you get your head around all these strategies. I know it can be hard to keep up with everything, but remember that these tips are just a starting point for improving your search rankings! You’re in charge of finding the best way for them to work for your site and business—the only person who can do that is you.
I am a Tech geek and blogger, a seasoned freelancer, and my hobby is to enlighten my views and skills that will helpful for new inductions of the industry.