Do you want to be a freelancer copywriter: here is a complete guide.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a freelance copywriter? I’ve been thinking about it for years. The truth is that becoming a successful copywriter requires patience, determination, and strong communication skills. Fortunately, thanks to the Internet and social media, you have all of these things at your fingertips—and more! As a freelancer yourself, you’ll be able to look back on your life’s work with pride in knowing that starting wasn’t nearly as difficult as those who give up before they try would have you believe. So if being a great digital nomad intrigues you but finding steady work isn’t quite enough motivation yet—here are some tips on how best to get over that hump:

How much money can a freelance copywriter make?

How much money do copywriters make?

  • In general, most freelance copywriters earn between $10 and $20 per hour. This can vary from project to project and industry to industry.
  • Some freelancers have made upwards of $100k for one project alone! However, this is rare and not something you should aim for unless you have a lot of experience in the field or if your portfolio speaks for itself.

How do I become a successful freelance copywriter?

You can become a successful freelance copywriter by following these simple steps:

  • Learn about what freelancers do.
  • Decide if you want to specialize in a particular area of content writing—or be more of an all-around writer.
  • Devise your customized plan for becoming a successful freelancer and get training and experience as quickly as possible!
  • Networking is key; it’s the only way you’ll get clients or opportunities that lead to success (ahem). Make sure everyone knows who you are, especially if they don’t have much money or time on their hands!

How do I become a freelance copywriter?

As a copywriter, you will probably find yourself in the following situations:

  • You’re looking for someone to write your first blog post.
  • You’re trying to get more clients but no one is responding to your emails or calls.
  • Your boss keeps asking you why he can’t see any results from all of his money spent on advertising and marketing campaigns (and he’s not even paying you).

Step 1: Learn about what freelance copywriters do.

The first step in becoming a freelance copywriter is to learn what that entails. As you might have guessed by now, there’s some misconception about this profession—many people think it’s just about writing headlines and selling ads for clients. But nothing could be further from the truth than that! A freelance copywriter doesn’t just write advertisements; they also create blog posts and other content marketing pieces (like infographics or videos). If you’re looking to get into this field, then understanding how it works is essential before you start building your portfolio.

Step 2: Decide if you want to specialize in a particular area of content writing.

Now that you know what kind of content writing you like to do, it’s time to decide if you want to specialize in a particular area.

One of the first things I did when I started as a copywriter was looked at what topics were getting shared on social media and blogs.

I found that there were several popular areas:

  • Inspiration + motivation – “10 Things To Do Today” type articles are everywhere! They’re great because they don’t require much effort or research but still get results (like better moods).
  • How-to guides – These can be helpful for beginners who want an easy way into getting started with something new like coding or photography skills. For example, if someone is looking for advice on how best to write an article about “how” something works then this would likely be one of their favorite types of pieces because it requires less thinking than other options do.”

Step 3: Devise your customized plan for becoming a successful freelancer.

The first step in becoming a successful freelancer is to ensure that you are well-versed in your field. You must be able to write well, communicate effectively and manage your time well. In addition, you must understand the needs of clients and what they want from their copywriters.

Step 4: Get training and experience.

It might be challenging to know where to begin if you’re a newbie. That’s why we recommend that you start by getting some training and experience in the industry.

  • Find a mentor: There are plenty of mentors out there who will help guide you through this process. They may even be willing to work with you as payment for their time! You might also want to look into taking courses or workshops on freelancing (or even just being taught by other people).
  • Get some experience: If possible, try working at different places so that when opportunity knocks (and it will), they know how well-prepared they are when they take over those projects themselves after learning from someone else’s mistakes (and successes).

Step 5: Network, network, network!

Networking is a vital skill for freelancers. It can help you find new clients, colleagues, friends, and mentors. If there aren’t any networks in your industry then consider joining one!

There are many ways to network with other freelancers:

  • Join an association such as the Association of Freelance Writers (NAFW), which has chapters across the world;
  • Attend trade shows where you’ll meet people, or even just talk about what you do at your local coffee shop!

Step 6: Polish your portfolio.

You’ve got your portfolio, you’ve got your brand and now it’s time to polish it.

This is the most important step in creating a good portfolio because this will show off your best work and skills. Your goal should be to leave an impression that makes potential clients want to hire you and not just another writer.

To do this, take a look at each piece of writing in your portfolio and ask yourself: Does this represent me as an expert? Can I tell who I am or what kind of content I produce based on these examples alone? Is there anything missing from here that would make me seem more professional or credible as a freelancer? If so, chances are someone else will notice those things too—and they won’t necessarily like them very much!

Becoming a successful freelance copywriter requires knowing how to focus the right way at the right time

Becoming a successful freelance copywriter requires knowing how to focus the right way at the right time.

  • Focus is essential for any business, but especially for freelancers. If you’re not able to focus on what needs doing and get it done, then no one will be able to help you out with your work—you’ll be left holding onto a handful of broken promises.
  • The same goes for time management; if you don’t have enough time in your day job or while working on projects as part of your freelancing career (and who doesn’t?), then no one will have confidence in hiring someone who can’t keep up with deadlines or deliver results on time. You need both aspects of being successful if this path is going anywhere near where they want it to!


If you’re ready to jump into the freelance copywriting world, we hope this guide has helped you along your journey. We wish you all the best as a freelancer, and look forward to reading your work!

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