Angular ng-template, ng-container and ngTemplateOutlet

Angular ng-template, ng-container and ngTemplateOutlet

Education, General, Software Development
The ng-template Directive Like the name specify, the ng-template directive describes an Angular template. This means that the content of this tag will carry part of a template, that can then be controlled together with other templates to form the final component template.The Angular framework is already using ng-template under the hood in many of the structural directives that we use many times in angular project:  ngIf, ngFor and ngSwitch. Now, we started learning ng-template with an example. And here we are defining two tab buttons login and signup: @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: ` <ng-template> <button class="tab-button" (click)="login()">{{loginMsg}}</button> <button class="tab-button" (click)="signUp()">{{signUpMsg}}</button> </ng-template> `}) export class AppComponent { loginMsg = 'Login Page'; signUpMsg = 'Sign Up Page'; lesson = ['Lesson 1', 'Lessons 2']; login() { console.log('Login Page'); } signUp() { console.log('Sign Up Page'); }…
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Integrity in Educational Leadership

Integrity in Educational Leadership

What is integrity? As per Lee and Lee, integrity is "representing what is correct." It is sticking to inward standards. It is just "making the best decision since it's the best activity." It is driving by the "ethical focus inside." Integrity in leaders alludes to being straightforward, dependable, and solid. Leaders with integrity act as per their words (for example they try to do what they say others should do) and take ownership of their mix-ups, instead of concealing them, accusing their group, or rationalizing. Integrity in leaders alludes to being straightforward, dependable, and solid. Key qualities: Key qualities of educational leaders are They are profoundly associated with their energy and reason True school leaders know themselves, a big motivator for them, what they need to accomplish, and why they…
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